Thursday, March 26, 2009

St Francis Xavier School
Main Rd
30 March 2009

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Our syndicate is going to Monet and the Impressionists, an art exhibition currently on show at te Papa, on 4 May (rooms 4 & 7) and 6 May (Rooms 5 & 6). This visit is to support the children’s learning in our current visual arts unit of study. Our visit will be guided by the Te Papa educators.

We will travel to and from Te Papa by bus, leaving school at 9.15am and returning to school by 1pm. We would appreciate your help with this trip.

As we will be at Te Papa from 10am to 12.45 pm, the children will need lunch, a drink and a warm jacket. The children will wear school uniform. As usual, they will not be purchasing food, drinks or souvenirs.

If you can help by coming on our trip, please complete the slip below and return this to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. We are looking forward to a fun, day and hope you can join us!

God bless

I can come to Te Papa on (please tick the appropriate box)
□ Monday 4 May (Rooms 4 & 7)

□ Wednesday 6 May (Rooms 5&6)

My child’s name___________________ Room _______________

My name________________________ Phone __________________
Read about our upcoming events and class outings.

St Francis Xavier School
Main Rd
30 March 2009

Dear Parents and Caregivers

We are planning an Outdoor Education Week with the Year 3 and 4 children while the older children are away at camp in the first week of next term.

The children will be participating in activities involving development of physical skills as well as team work and an awareness of rich environment in which we live. During the week, the children will also consider ways of protecting our local environment as well as managing the risks involved when we use this environment for sport or recreation. We are planning activities such as tent pitching, basic first aid, orienteering, map reading as well as an excursion out of school grounds.

We would like to invite you to come with us, to walk the Cambourne Walkway at Pahatanui Inlet. We will travel to and from Paramata by train: the walking track runs from Paremata beach (by the bridge) to the park at the eastern end of Grays Road, Plimmerton (about 30 minutes walking). We will eat a picnic lunch at the park and return along the same track. This is a pretty walkway and walking by the boatsheds offers the added bonus of stopping to sketch the inlet with its variety of scenes. This will be a wonderful introduction to the types of scenes painted by the Impressionist painters which we will view at Te Papa the following week.

We will travel out on the 10.13am train and return on the 2.04pm train, arriving back at school about 2.30pm. The children will be in small groups and be under the supervision of adults at all times.

As the children will be walking, they will need sneakers, jackets, sun hats, a packed lunch and drink bottles. The children will be permitted to wear mufti clothes to school that day. There will be no opportunity to purchase food on the day. .

If you can help by coming on our trip, please complete the slip below and return this to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. We are looking forward to a fun day and we hope you can join us!

God bless


I would like to come on the Cambourne Walk on Wednesday 29 April 2009

My child’s name___________________ Room _______________

My name________________________ Phone __________________

Introducing Room 7s Blog

Hi there
welcome to our world