St Francis Xavier School
Main Rd
30 March 2009
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Our syndicate is going to Monet and the Impressionists, an art exhibition currently on show at te Papa, on 4 May (rooms 4 & 7) and 6 May (Rooms 5 & 6). This visit is to support the children’s learning in our current visual arts unit of study. Our visit will be guided by the Te Papa educators.
We will travel to and from Te Papa by bus, leaving school at 9.15am and returning to school by 1pm. We would appreciate your help with this trip.
As we will be at Te Papa from 10am to 12.45 pm, the children will need lunch, a drink and a warm jacket. The children will wear school uniform. As usual, they will not be purchasing food, drinks or souvenirs.
If you can help by coming on our trip, please complete the slip below and return this to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. We are looking forward to a fun, day and hope you can join us!
God bless
I can come to Te Papa on (please tick the appropriate box)
□ Monday 4 May (Rooms 4 & 7)
□ Wednesday 6 May (Rooms 5&6)
My child’s name___________________ Room _______________
My name________________________ Phone __________________