Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hi there everyone.

We haven't put a blog up for a few weeks because there's been so much going on in Room 7. So... here goes......
We've been
  • working on our school production....
  • painting pictures......
  • doing lots of basic fact practise
  • lots of skipping - getting ready for the "jump off" tomorrow.....
  • the field is really muddy and the boys have been getting really messy at lunchtime.....
  • talking about where we feel close to God.....
  • sharing about our treasures.......
  • we painted pictures of our family treasures...
  • writing recounts about our school production......

.... so you can see that we've all been working really hard.....

We would like to share our art work with you.
We were talking about sacraments. A sacrament is an experience of God in our life. Five students in our class participated in the Parish sacramental programme this year. Matt, Ciara, Caitlin, Brian, Toby, Josh, Anya, Cameron and Daniel made their First Holy Communion a couple of weeks ago. They had worked really hard to prepare for this and it was a pretty special occasion for their families.

Anyway, our pictures show the special places we feel the presence of God - and if you click on the link you can watch our powerpoint.

Please give us some feedback by clicking on the comment link.

Here's the link to our powerpoint presentation. If you click on the link you will be able to see all the paintings and captions up close. Tell us what you think of them!