Monday, October 25, 2010

Room7's fun weeks of athletics

Term 3&4 room7 have been learning how to throw a coit and a vortex. Its really good to get your body aeking because it fires you up and you can get fiter,faster and have more accuracy in throwing. To throw a coit you have to pull your arm in a straight line and bring it up past your nose and let go when its at the tip of your fingers.(Chuck it at a high paste)To throw a vortex you need to strech you're arm right back behind you're ear and lift it then chuck when its just past your nose and make sure you throw it high. Isabelles opinioun is....Athletics is fun because it gets us warmed up for work. These are things we use Vortex Discis Geoff is the man that tells us what to do in athletics.


  1. I like the part when we did the hurdles.

    Candy Barrenechea

  2. the wow looks cool

    Sereana Rokotakala

  3. I Love the WOW awards show!!

  4. The WOW awards show looks cool!!
